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On January 24, 2024 Ukrainian Media League (UML) joined and became a signatory “Global Call to Action to Put Cultural Heritage, Arts and Creative”. The main aims of company, which was created for supporting COP 28 UN, are to research what culture-led climate responses are already happening, where and by whom; prepare recommendations for scaling out culture-based solutions and help fully integration culture in climate issues.

“The world is systematically developing, traditional approaches to development and reconstruction are declining in all areas – social, economical, public health, but especially in ecological.

Now, in times of large-scale conflicts, destruction and displacement, it is more important than ever to assess the impact, develop a common vision and consolidate our efforts. Culture and cultural heritage play a significant role and have a colossal impact on every stage of creating new quality values and minimizing already existing negative consequences” – noticed Tetiana Ilchuk, Co-Founder of Ukrainian Media League

Global Call to Put Cultural Heritage, Arts and Creative Sectors at the Heart of Climate Action The process to organise this Call to Action was launched on 28 September 2023 during the European Cultural Heritage Summit held in Italy Venice) at the European Heritage Hub Forum.

So far, the call has been supported by representatives from all six continents to join the global campaign to show the potential of cultural heritage, arts and creative industries in the climate change area.

Key goals of “Global Call to Action to Put Cultural Heritage, Arts and Creative Sectors at the Heart of Climate Action”

  • bolster climate action by beginning to harness social and cultural tools that enable transformative climate action;
  • enable culture and heritage-based climate action to scale up around the world;
  • influence key policies and discussions on adapting to our changing climate, encouraging culture and heritage based transformational learning experiences, safeguarding heritage and culture;
  • unite and empower the culture sector through coming together to influence decision-making in this area.

Culture-based climate action promotes local solutions to universal problems, filling gaps in current climate planning through inclusive regional strategies. Besides that, integrating cultural communities into international climate policy will elevate locally-led heritage, artistic and creative approaches that offer scalable solutions to the climate crisis.


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